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- /*
- DarkSide - a 7.0 dependant, system clean expandable screen saver.
- copyright © 1990-1994 by Tom Dowdy
- All rights reserved.
- This fader shell serves to dispatch requests from the main DarkSide code
- into the appropriate entry points.
- */
- #include <StdArg.h>
- #include <Memory.h>
- #include <Packages.h>
- #include <Errors.h>
- #include "Fader.h"
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #include <SetupA4.h>
- #endif
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- void DebugLongInt(long aLong);
- #ifndef THINK_C
- OSErr CreateA5World(Ptr * a5World);
- void DisposeA5World(Ptr a5World, Ptr appA5);
- #endif
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- #ifdef THINK_C
- OSErr main(long selector, Ptr *a5World, MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, ...)
- #else
- OSErr FaderEntry(long selector, Ptr *a5World, MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, ...)
- #endif
- {
- OSErr anErr = noErr;
- va_list nextArg;
- #ifdef THINK_C
- // Set up A4 so that we can use global variables...
- RememberA0();
- SetUpA4();
- #endif
- // start stripping optional arguments
- va_start(nextArg, machineInfo);
- switch(selector)
- {
- case preflightFader:
- {
- long *minTicks, *maxTicks;
- minTicks = va_arg(nextArg, long*);
- maxTicks = va_arg(nextArg, long*);
- #ifndef THINK_C
- anErr = CreateA5World(a5World);
- #endif
- if (anErr == noErr)
- {
- #ifndef THINK_C
- (void) SetA5((long) *a5World);
- #endif
- BlockMove(machineInfo->applicationQD, &qd, sizeof(qd));
- anErr = PreflightFader(machineInfo, minTicks, maxTicks);
- BlockMove(&qd, machineInfo->applicationQD, sizeof(qd));
- }
- }
- break;
- case initializeFader:
- #ifndef THINK_C
- (void) SetA5((long) *a5World);
- #endif
- BlockMove(machineInfo->applicationQD, &qd, sizeof(qd));
- anErr = InitializeFader(machineInfo);
- BlockMove(&qd, machineInfo->applicationQD, sizeof(qd));
- break;
- case idleFader:
- #ifndef THINK_C
- (void) SetA5((long) *a5World);
- #endif
- anErr = IdleFader(machineInfo);
- break;
- case disposeFader:
- {
- #ifndef THINK_C
- (void) SetA5((long) *a5World);
- #endif
- BlockMove(machineInfo->applicationQD, &qd, sizeof(qd));
- anErr = DisposeFader(machineInfo);
- BlockMove(&qd, machineInfo->applicationQD, sizeof(qd));
- #ifndef THINK_C
- DisposeA5World(*a5World, (Ptr)machineInfo->applicationA5);
- #endif
- }
- break;
- case updateFader:
- #ifndef THINK_C
- (void) SetA5((long) *a5World);
- #endif
- anErr = UpdateFader(machineInfo);
- break;
- case hitFader:
- {
- DialogPtr dPtr;
- long itemHit;
- long itemOffset;
- dPtr = va_arg(nextArg, DialogPtr);
- itemHit = va_arg(nextArg, long);
- itemOffset = va_arg(nextArg, long);
- anErr = HitFader(machineInfo, dPtr, itemHit, itemOffset);
- }
- break;
- default:
- // function not found error
- anErr = fnfErr;
- break;
- }
- va_end(nextArg);
- #ifdef THINK_C
- RestoreA4();
- #else
- (void) SetA5(machineInfo->applicationA5);
- #endif
- return(anErr);
- } // FaderEntry
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- void DebugLongInt(long theLong)
- {
- Str255 theString;
- NumToString(theLong, theString);
- DebugStr(theString);
- } // DebugLongInt
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- Handle BestNewHandle(Size theSize)
- /*
- Tries to get the handle from the temp memory first, if that fails, it goes
- to the application.
- */
- {
- Handle theHandle;
- OSErr anErr;
- theHandle = TempNewHandle(theSize, &anErr);
- if (theHandle == nil)
- theHandle = NewHandle(theSize);
- return(theHandle);
- } // BestNewHandle
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- RgnHandle BestNewRgn()
- /*
- Tries to get a rgn handle from the temp memory first, if that fails, it goes
- to the application. Needs enough room in the app heap to create the region
- in the first place.
- */
- {
- RgnHandle theRgn;
- OSErr anErr;
- // make a region
- theRgn = NewRgn();
- if (theRgn != nil)
- {
- RgnHandle theHandle;
- short regionSize;
- // try to make something the same size in the temp memory
- regionSize = GetHandleSize((Handle) theRgn);
- theHandle = (RgnHandle) TempNewHandle(regionSize, &anErr);
- if (anErr == noErr)
- {
- // if we get it, use that one for our region
- BlockMove(*theRgn, *theHandle, regionSize);
- DisposeRgn(theRgn);
- theRgn = theHandle;
- }
- }
- return(theRgn);
- } // BestNewRgn
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- short Rnd(long max)
- /*
- Returns a number > 0 and < max
- */
- {
- unsigned long value;
- value = (unsigned short)max * (unsigned short)Random();
- value >>= 16;
- return(value);
- } // Rnd
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- void PlaceRectOnScreen(
- MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, // give info about the machine here
- short width, // width of rect, can be 0
- short height, // height of rect, can be 0
- Rect * placedRect, // Placed rect is returned here
- Rect * margins, // margins around screen, can be nil
- short * whichScreen) // screen index returned here, can be nil
- {
- Rect screenRect;
- short pickScreen;
- // pick a random screen
- pickScreen = Rnd(machineInfo->numScreens);
- screenRect = machineInfo->theScreens[pickScreen].bounds;
- if (whichScreen != nil)
- *whichScreen = pickScreen;
- if (margins != nil)
- {
- screenRect.top += margins->top;
- screenRect.left += margins->left;
- screenRect.bottom -= margins->bottom;
- screenRect.right -= margins->right;
- }
- screenRect.right -= width;
- screenRect.bottom -= height;
- if (placedRect != nil)
- {
- placedRect->top = screenRect.top + Rnd(screenRect.bottom - screenRect.top);
- placedRect->left = screenRect.left + Rnd(screenRect.right - screenRect.left);
- placedRect->bottom = placedRect->top + height;
- placedRect->right = placedRect->left + width;
- }
- } // PlaceRectOnScreen
- #ifndef THINK_C
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* FUN A5 STUFF - See Tech note 256 for details */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- long A5Size();
- void A5Init(Ptr theA5);
- OSErr CreateA5World(Ptr * a5World)
- {
- OSErr anErr;
- Ptr theWorld = nil;
- Handle worldHandle;
- worldHandle = BestNewHandle(A5Size());
- anErr = MemError();
- if (anErr == noErr)
- {
- HLockHi(worldHandle);
- theWorld = *worldHandle;
- theWorld += + A5Size() - 32;
- A5Init(theWorld);
- // very important if anyone wants to call SwapMMUMode
- theWorld = StripAddress(theWorld);
- }
- *a5World = theWorld;
- return(anErr);
- } // CreateA5World
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- void DisposeA5World(Ptr a5World, Ptr appA5)
- {
- (void) SetA5((long) appA5);
- {
- Handle theHandle = RecoverHandle(a5World - A5Size() + 32);
- DisposHandle(theHandle);
- }
- } // DisposeA5World
- #endif
- #ifdef THINK_C
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- OSErr WritePreferencesHandle(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, Handle h, ResType theType)
- {
- OSErr anErr;
- long curA5;
- long loader;
- curA5 = SetA5(machineInfo->applicationA5);
- loader = (long) machineInfo->callbackLoader;
- asm {
- move.l theType, -(SP)
- move.l h, -(SP)
- move.l loader, a0
- moveq #0, d0
- pea @returnAddress
- move.l #0x08000004, -(SP)
- jmp (a0)
- @returnAddress:
- move.w d0, anErr
- add #8, SP
- }
- SetA5(curA5);
- return(anErr);
- } // WritePreferencesHandle
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- OSErr ReadPreferencesHandle(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, Handle *h, ResType theType)
- {
- OSErr anErr;
- long curA5;
- long loader;
- curA5 = SetA5(machineInfo->applicationA5);
- loader = (long) machineInfo->callbackLoader;
- asm {
- move.l theType, -(SP)
- move.l h, -(SP)
- move.l loader, a0
- moveq #0, d0
- pea @returnAddress
- move.l #0x08000008, -(SP)
- jmp (a0)
- @returnAddress:
- move.w d0, anErr
- add #8, SP
- }
- SetA5(curA5);
- return(anErr);
- } // ReadPreferencesHandle
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- // While translating this code from MPW C to THINK C I found out that the calling conventions
- // of these languages seem to be different. If we have a short and a Boolean as below, THINK C
- // pushes them both into a longword, while MPW C uses a longword for each. Very confusing!
- OSErr PlayResourceSnd(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, short theID, Boolean async)
- {
- OSErr anErr;
- long loader;
- loader = (long) machineInfo->callbackLoader;
- asm {
- moveq #0, d0
- move.b async, d0 // convert async to longword
- move.l d0, -(SP) // and push it
- moveq #0, d0 // convert theID to longword
- move.w theID, d0 // and push it
- move.l d0, -(SP)
- move.l loader, a0
- moveq #0, d0
- pea @returnAddress // push return address
- move.l #0x0800000C, -(SP) // push selector code
- jmp (a0) // jump to callback loader
- @returnAddress:
- move.w d0, anErr // save result code
- add #8, SP // adjust stack
- }
- return anErr;
- } // PlayResourceSnd
- #else
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- #pragma parameter __D0 DoWritePreferencesHandle(__A0)
- OSErr DoWritePreferencesHandle(Ptr M, Handle h, ResType theType) =
- { 0x7000, 0x487B, 0x000A, 0x2F3C, 0x0800, 0x0004, 0x4ED0};
- #pragma parameter __D0 DoReadPreferencesHandle(__A0)
- OSErr DoReadPreferencesHandle(Ptr M, Handle *h, ResType theType) =
- { 0x7000, 0x487B, 0x000A, 0x2F3C, 0x0800, 0x0008, 0x4ED0};
- #pragma parameter __D0 DoPlayResourceSnd(__A0)
- OSErr DoPlayResourceSnd(Ptr M, short theID, Boolean async) =
- { 0x7000, 0x487B, 0x000A, 0x2F3C, 0x0800, 0x000C, 0x4ED0};
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- OSErr WritePreferencesHandle(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, Handle h, ResType theType)
- {
- OSErr anErr;
- long curA5;
- curA5 = SetA5(machineInfo->applicationA5);
- anErr = DoWritePreferencesHandle(machineInfo->callbackLoader, h, theType);
- SetA5(curA5);
- return(anErr);
- } // WritePreferencesHandle
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- OSErr ReadPreferencesHandle(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, Handle *h, ResType theType)
- {
- OSErr anErr;
- long curA5;
- curA5 = SetA5(machineInfo->applicationA5);
- anErr = DoReadPreferencesHandle(machineInfo->callbackLoader, h, theType);
- SetA5(curA5);
- return(anErr);
- } // ReadPreferencesHandle
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- OSErr PlayResourceSnd(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, short theID, Boolean async)
- {
- OSErr anErr;
- long curA5;
- curA5 = SetA5(machineInfo->applicationA5);
- anErr = DoPlayResourceSnd(machineInfo->callbackLoader, theID, async);
- SetA5(curA5);
- return(anErr);
- } // PlayResourceSnd
- #endif